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About Hannover
The Hannover Region offers interesting trips for sightseeing and adventures. At the seaside, in the hills or in lively, charming towns - there is is a large variety of activities for you. The following websites tell you about interesting sights, activities and destinations for your tours of the Hannover Region

Hannover, formerly the residence of a king and today the City of Trade Fairs will be the venue of the first world EXPO 2000 in Germany in the year 2000. During the time of the Expo from 1 June to 31 October 2000 the capital of Niedersachsen will welcome 20 million visitors from all over the world. The Royal Gardens of Herrenhausen, interesting and historic sights, as well as unique events, will make Hannover the destination of tourists for the whole of the year 2000. 

City Center

When you walk out of Hannover Central Station towards Ernst August Platz you are almost in the middle of Hannover's city centre. The centre is rather large for a city of half a million. It has grown over the centuries between the old town down by the river, the Aegidientor in the west, the Steintor in the east and the Central Station.

The bomb raids of the Second World War turned most of the city center into a large heap of rubble. Hardly an old building was spared. So most of the center was rebuilt in the fashion of the fifties. The Bahnhofstraße, leading from the Central Station into the heart of the city is a "pedestrians only" shopping street on two levels: one can also walk along the "Passerelle" in the basement, built in the seventies. At the end of the Bahnhofstraße you reach "Kröpcke", the most central square in Hannover. It was named after a waiter who worked in (and later owned) the Café, which is now "Mövenpick". Here, next to the "Kröpcke Uhr", the big green clock, is the place where Hannoverians meet, if they dont' meet in front of the station under the horse's tail (of the monument of King Ernst August of Hannover).

At Kröpcke the Bahnhofstraße meets the Georgstraße, a boulevard named after one of the Hanovrian Kings of England. The Georgstraße opposite the opera house has exclusive shops only on one side and a lot of room for promenades. It is here like to meet on Sunday mornings in summer for their traditional "Schorsenbummel". The Georgstraße on the other side of Kröpcke is a pure shopping area with big stores.

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