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G T L - C l i e n t s 


"For the almost twenty years Global Travelink Ltd. has been an indispensable source of help in making my travel arrangements. They are very knowledgeable and professional. Whether it is a weekend escape, African safari or unearthing last minute fair accommodations; help is just a phone call away."

J. L. I.
The Popular Group

"Global Travelink's attention to detail and great customer service has made my job of coordinating the Warner Bros. hotel accommodations for the Frankfurt Book Fair simple and convenient."

P. K. A.
Warner Bros. Worldwide Publishing

Each and everyone at Global Travelink is to be commended for their professionalism in handling the exhibitors and visitors requests.

M. W. R.
MWR Entreprises

Il Gruppo L.E.G.O. ringrazia la Global Travelink, particolarmente il Sig. Tinoo Puri, per la gestione alberghiera delle Fiere del Libro negle ultimi 10 anni.  Grazie all'efficienza della Global il Grupo L.E.G.O. ha potuto, e continuera' nel futuro, a dedicare le proprie energie esclusivamente agli sfozi commerciali, confidando totalmente nella professionalita' della Global.

 Grupo L.E.G.O.





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